Toda palabra de Dios es pura: él es escudo a los que en él confían. Proverbios 30:5

Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Proverbs 30:5

…Antes bienaventurados los que oyen la palabra de Dios, y la guardan. Lucas 11:28

...Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God and keep it. Luke 11:28

What is the Valera 1602 Purified Spanish Bible?

¿Qué es la Biblia hispana Valera 1602 Purificada?

La Biblia hispana Valera 1602 Purificada es el trabajo de la Iglesia Bautista Bíblica de la Gracia, una Iglesia Bautista Independiente en Monterrey, México. Bajo el liderazgo de Pastor Raúl Reyes, la iglesia trabajó con esmero por más de 15 años en purificar la Biblia Hispana 1602 original, haciéndola más en línea con el Texto Recibido y el Texto Hebreo Masorético. Ellos aprendieron Hebreo y Griego, y cuidadosamente tomaron una y otra vez verso tras verso con mucha oración y ayuno. También ellos tomaron la Rey Jaime en Inglés, como también todas las antiguas versiones protestantes de la Biblia hispana en Castellano, comparándolas versículo por versículo. Lo que ellos produjeron es la pura palabra de Dios en español disponible hoy, libre de todas las lecturas católicas y del texto crítico. Es la única biblia "ReinaValera" genuina porque sigue al original 1602 lo mas posible, mientras que cada version nueva se apartan de la original 1602 innumerables veces para seguir cualquiera de los textos críticos o versiones modernas que cambian muchas palabras con sinónimos que no se hallan en la original Biblia Hispana 1602.

Para mayor información de la Valera 1602 Purificada, por favor siga los vínculos disponibles abajo a la derecha.

What is the Valera 1602 Purified?

The Valera 1602 Purified Spanish Bible is the work of Iglesia Bautista Biblica de la Gracia (Grace Bible Baptist Church), and Independent Baptist Church in Monterrey, Mexico. Under the leadership of Pastor Raul Reyes, the church painstakingly worked over 15years in purifying the original 1602 Spanish Bible, bringing it more in line with the Textus Receptus and Hebrew Masoretic Text. They learned Hebrew and Greek and carefully went verse by verse time and again with much prayer and fasting. They also took the King James in English, as well as all the older Protestant versions of the Spanish Bible in Castillan spanish, comparing them verse by verse. What they produced is the purest word of God in Spanish available today, for it is free of all catholic, critical text readings. It is also the closest Reina-Valera Bible to the original 1602, all others departing from the original 1602 countless times to follow either critical texts or modern versions which change many words with synonyms not found in the original 1602 Spanish Bible.

For more information about the Valera 1602 Purified, please click on the links provided below on the right.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The 1602 Valera Purified New Testament now Available

We now have the Valera 1602 Purified in Spanish available online via at a price of $16.02.  (Price is intended to honor the year of Valera's work of 1602).

It can be ordered by visiting:

We are practicing and learning how to use P.O.D. (print on demand), so we have taken the .pdf file of the Valera 1602 Purified New Testament and cut and copied it page by page to make the New Testament of this translation available, as they are hard to get today. 

Thankfully, though, more whole Bibles shall be printed soon, as the plan is to print the newest, updated version in December.  I hope we can find a way to make these available online as well.


Robert Breaker

Saturday, August 20, 2011

My books now available online

I'm going through and getting my books online available for people to order through  I'm not finished, but I'm getting there.  My first book, "A Brief History of the Spanish Bible" is now up.  I've gone through and rewritten it and added a lot of information.  (It's no longer that "brief.)  I've even put a comparison chart in it of all the Spanish Bibles used today, and the chart does well to prove the Valera 1602 Purified Spanish Bible is truly the best available Spanish Bible out there.  Soon, my books "The History and Truth About the Spanish Bible Controversy" and "The History and Truth About the Reina-Valera Gomez Spanish Bible" will also be available.  I've done an exhaustive revision of them both and they have a lot more information in them.  I hope my latest book about the Spanish Bible will be available soon.  It's entitled, "The Spanish Bible: its Inception and Those Courageous Men Behind its Translations."  But I'm still revising it extensively.

My other books I'll slowly be adding as well.  So for those interested in obtaining a copy, please go to my bookstore by clicking the link below: